
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Annual Hayride and Bonfire

Last night was the annual Robinson hayride.  Jesse had to work at 4 pm so he dropped Jackson off with me at school right after dismissal.  After taking care of school related business, Jackson and I were off to Gastonia to visit with my sister before heading to our aunt and uncle's house.  Jackson and Jude were too cute in their coordinating plaid shirts and jeans. 

My brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and nieces and nephews all gorged on pizza and s'mores before piling on the trailer filled with hay. Jackson had a great time and continued to babble throughout the hayride.  The kids entertained themselves by roasting marshmallows and wearing glow stick masks. 

God's presence was very evident under the starlit sky and in the sweet coos and laughter.  It was exactly what I needed after a very stressful week at work! 

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