
Monday, October 3, 2011

Surviving Fatherhood (Guest Blogger: Jesse)

I have been looking for opportunities to work for months now. Of course I wish I could stay at home every weekend and weeknight without having to worry about money, but that isn't reality! Thankfully, a couple of opportunities have opened up for me. First, I was asked to watch our friends' son Connor starting in January. We are so excited to be able to help each other out and for the boys to spend time together next year.

The second opportunity starts out with yet another job interview. I have done about a dozen interviews for teaching jobs the past few years and have had four job interviews this summer for various opportunities. However, I had never had a group job interview until last week. Last Monday I applied for jobs with Babies "R" Us and Toys "R" Us. Both stores called me back to set up interviews, but Babies "R" Us was first. The human resources associate informed me to show up for the group interview on Wednesday afternoon.

Having Googled the group interview process for Babies "R" Us, I knew what to expect and did not look forward to it. Our group of five interviewees went through these steps:
  1. We assembled a block puzzle. My partners and I had a picture of a duck.
  2. We were asked to pick any item from a particular department and discuss its merits to the interviewer. I was given the apparel department. How much can I say about onesies and socks?
  3. We had to dismantle and assemble a Pack 'n' Play. I had never done this without cussing a blue streak, but made it through during the interview.
  4. We interviewed another one of the interviewees and sold that person to the interviewer.
  5. Finally, we had a one-on-one interview with the manager. He called me back first and only asked if I could work during the day for one week. I was feeling pretty confident after this.
Here is a visual approximation of the group interview:

Apparently everything went well and I was called later that evening with a job offer. I will be helping to set up a pop-up Babies "R" Us store in Concord Mills next week. After that, I'll be able to work some weeknights and weekends to help supplement our family's income. I am so happy for this opportunity and am eager to get started!

Coincidentally, I received my first copy of "Working Mother" in the mail today and started to pick up some tips:

On top of all this, Jackson and I have gotten our routine down pretty well during the days. The first couple of weeks Bonnie was at work, Jackson suffered some separation anxiety, but we are getting along well now. We strictly follow the E.A.S.Y. routine. That keeps both of us from getting fussy or agitated during the day.

In conclusion, life is good and love is plentiful here at the Harwood-Robinson household.

1 comment:

  1. We are very excited too and can breathe a little easier now. Congrats on the new job too! That's awesome you found something but more importantly, do you get a discount????
