
Friday, November 25, 2011

Much to Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving proved to be a busy day.  It was the first day I had an appetite, which was great since we had not one, but two feasts to devour.  We enjoyed lunch at 1 pm with my side of the family in Gastonia before traveling an hour to Rockwell for a 5 pm dinner with Jesse's side of the family.  Here is our lunch spread, minus the desserts:

Jackson sampled almost every single thing.  He had a couple of bites (size of my thumbnail) of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, turkey, bread, baked beans, and noodles. 

One of my goals for the day was to get a picture taken of all three of us.  I take absurd amounts of photos of Jackson, yet have very few family pictures with Jesse and I.  Despite Jackson's lack of a smile, I thought this was a cute picture taken by my 8-year-old niece.

After our meal, my sisters and I went for a walk around the neighborhood with some of our children.  Oh my, am I out of shape!  My niece joined Girls on the Run and wanted to me to jog with her.  Now keep in mind I have jogged 3.1 miles dozens of times and even a half marathon, but that was nearly two years ago.  A very short jog left my heart pounding!

Jesse and Jackson played on the floor before Jackson's exhaustion kicked in.  I love my boys!

Before we knew it we were headed off to our second family for round two.  My brother-in-law/sister-in-law are wonderful hosts forThanksgiving dinner.  Still recovering from the stomach virus and having eaten a full plate at lunch already, I couldn't eat much at all.  Jackson, on the other hand, was ready for more.  He sampled everything except dessert.

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On Monday my principal placed a journal in each of the teacher's boxes and challenged us to maintain a gratitude journal.  She suggested listing 5+ things we are thankful for each day.  I use to keep a gratitude journal years ago after watching an episode of Oprah. 

On Sunday the pastor's sermon was about living a life of gratitude.  He showed us a number line with the words "grumbling" and "grateful" on opposite ends.  He asked us to rate ourselves on where we fall between spectrums.  My once grateful attitude has nearly diminished.  So...I'll start my gratitude journal publicly today by catching up on the highlights of the past few months. 

I am thankful for:
1. My marriage (one of the only aspects of my life that I never question)
2. Being able to deliver Jackson according to my birth plan
3. Regular conversations with my sisters
4. Being able to spend the first 4 months home with Jack
5. Being recognized as an effective teacher
6. Somehow being able to pay the bills each month
7. Random Facebook messages and texts from friends
8. Supportive in-laws
9. A fulfilling Bible study with members of my church family
10. A reliable car that is almost paid off

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