
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day: It Truly Is A Wonderful Life

Jackson's first Christmas was amazing.  It turns out, he is a pro at opening presents and makes the best sounds and facial expressions ever.  I was eagerly awake before the boys were.  Jesse went downstairs to get the camcorder ready while I changed Jackson's diaper and took him downstairs.  Santa brought Jackson two gifts.  We tore open the first package just enough so Jackson could get a hold of the wrapping paper.  He went to town.  He seemed genuinely surprised that there were toys inside.
Jackson got distracted with wrapping paper and the cats, so Jesse ended up tearing the rest of the wrapping paper off.  After opening the gifts we ate our weekly pancake breakfast before getting ready for church.  Random note: While eating pancakes we witnessed our outside cat catch and kill a bird.
Church was a short, simple service of lessons and carols.  We drove directly to Gastonia to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family.  We feasted on turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, mac-n-cheese, green beans, and more.  Jackson sampled everything.  After everyone was finished eating we distributed the many presents.  There is so much excitement it is difficult to catch everyones reactions as they open their gifts.
Of course, we continued our tradition of wearing our pajamas all day. 
After a few hours we made the hour-long drive to spend the evening with Jesse's family.  There were more presents to open and delicious food to eat.  Jackson enjoyed chicken and dumplings and green beans, then played with his family and new toys.
We are so very blessed to have involved, loving siblings and parents.  While it saddens me to know that Jackson will never know my parents, he is so fortunate to have an incredible MiMi and PaPa.  Their pride is evident.
We made it home just in time for Jackson's 7:30 bedtime. We unloaded the car and stacked Jackson's many gifts on the couch.  Considering Jesse and I spent a whopping $4 (in addition to using a $15 gift card) on Jackson's Christmas, I think Jack did okay.  This is one of many reasons why I love having a big family.

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