
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today was my first official day of break which worked out perfectly since Jesse had the day off.  The three of us slept until 9 a.m.  (Yes, you read correctly!)  We had a relaxed morning before heading off to the mega mall for pictures with Santa.  Apparently the Bass Pro Shop gives out free 4 x 6 photos with Santa AND you can take pictures with your own camera, too.  After waiting in line for about 20 minutes, the photographer asked us if our baby was going to cry.  I confidently replied "no".  Of course, Jackson was his usual happy self.

Before leaving the mall we headed to Starbucks to take advantage of a gift card I received from a coworker.  Nothing beats leisurely afternoons drinking free peppermint hot cocoa and vanilla bean creme.

Our next stop was Target to purchase a Christmas gift for Jackson.  Using a gift card from another coworker, we purchased a Vetch Catch Me Kitty for him.  We are keeping Christmas gifts extremely minimal this year since Jackson:
1. won't remember anything
2. already has everything he needs/wants
3. will receive plenty of toys from other family members
4. can't even open gifts
5. has parents on a budget

After an afternoon nap, snack, and playtime at home, we were off to church for our live nativity play.  Jesse and I once again played the role of Joseph and Mary.  There was brief discussion of Jackson being baby Jesus, but it was easier to use the baby doll.  This was a good thing since Jackson was crying and yelling "Ma Ma Ma Ma" by the end of the play.  Once I found him he had tears streaming down his cheeks.  I think the church people were alarmed because they never see Jackson upset, but Jesse and I are well aware of how cranky he can get when he's sleepy. 

The play was very simple and went smoothly, despite the rain forcing us to perform indoors.  (I forgot my camera so there are no pictures.)  We briefly enjoyed fellowship while munching on cookies and sipping hot cider before taking Jackson home for bed..

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a truly great day!

    As you know, I'm all about a simple large part due to #5 on your list as well ;)
