
Monday, January 2, 2012

I Wanna Get Physical, Physical

One evening last week I impulsively took down all of the Christmas decorations, shuffled some furniture around, and brought the Gazelle downstairs.  I bought Tony Little's Gazelle while in college.  It was the QVC Today's Special Value on New Yeat's Day several years ago. 

Since I've always had a gym membership, I never actually used the equipment.  While I still have a gym membership, I can't find the motivation to go to the gym before work (I already leave at 6 a.m.) or go after Jackson goes to bed.  I refuse to go after work and compromise my time away from Jack.  My plan is to workout for half an hour each night before/after dinner.

I've gained so much weight that I am a mere 10 lbs shy of my weight when I was 41 weeks pregnant!  It took a long time for me to decide to jump on the healthy wagon, but alas I am back on track.  I went to the grocery store and bought fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy lunches, and Skinny Cow ice cream.  (I won't give up nightly ice cream.)

The most critical element to successful weight loss for me is joining a Biggest Loser competition on  I competed in a BL Challenge two years ago when I was training for the half marathon, won $75, and conceived Jackson two months after its completion.  I am excited to get back in good health and strengthen my body.  The competition works based on weekly weigh-ins.  You must post a timestamped photo of your feet on the scale each Sunday.  The person with the lowest percentage weight loss will be eliminated each week.  A $30 contribution was required to participate in the challenge, but there are so many people that the first place winner will receive $900.  Smaller cash prizes will be rewarded to the second and third place winners.  The final weigh-in is on March 31.  I don't expect to win but look forward to trying.

Cheers to a healthy 2012!

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