
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Much to Celebrate

Jackson just cut his 8th tooth.  I can't even imagine nursing for a year with that mouth.

After tracking everything I've eaten on SparkPeople and staying within my calorie/carbs/fats/protein goals every day the past week and a half I've lost NINE pounds!  (Yeah, my diet really was THAT bad.)  That's more than some of the contestants on the Biggest Loser lost last week and they weigh significantly more than I do.  I am currently ranked 6th out of 43 in my online competition.

Our family had a great time on Friday night celebrating my nephew's 7th birthday.  My siblings and I recreated childhood memories by sitting at the same table  that we all grew up in.   

Jackson and I have enjoyed nightly ice cream (okay, he's had 2-3 licks).  I bought 18 Skinny Cow bars at Sams for $8.  They are delicious and only 100 calories.

We had our monthly playdate with my former co-workers and their children.  Besides eating yummy chili and corn pudding, we got to love on one anothers babies (including the newest addition who's 3 weeks old) and swap advice and stories.  It turns out that Jackson adores my friends larger dogs.
Jesse brought home this $75 baby gate/playpen from work for FREE.  Apparently it has been sitting in the back all season and it wasn't for sale because it was shipped out of the box.  They were going to throw it out so Jesse took the gate home, along with 200 packs of SillyBandz for my students.

Despite a high temperature in the 30's on Tuesday, it was 70 degrees this weekend!  Jesse, Jackson, and I jogged around the neighborhood.  I had a hard time jogging with the stroller since I couldn't swing my arms at my sides, but Jackson liked going fast and I liked working out with my boys. 

The fifth grade had their first field trip of the year and the kids were great.  We went to see the Romare Bearden exhibit at the Mint Museum.  We had a very patient tour guide and he answered all of their questions.  I love when our kids are exposed to successful African Americans that are not athletes or rappers.

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