
Monday, March 5, 2012

Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath

Bath time has always been an exciting experience for Jackson.  His curiosity during bath time is going to make my hair turn gray.  I took care of one major concern tonight by purchasing one of those adorable ducks to cover the faucet.  Jackson thinks it is hilarious.

Jackson also loves splashing around and being squirted by his bath toys.  He hasn't learned that he can squeeze the toys to get the water out; he's too busy chasing them around the water.

I know the following photo is one of those that Jackson will cringe at one day, but I think he is so stinkin' cute!  I'm not sure why he's so much more confident walking around in the bath than on the ground.  Either way, he likes to cruise around and pull all the shampoo down.

Now if I can just convince Jackson that rinsing shampoo is not going to hurt him...

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