
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Birthday Boy--April 9, 2012

Jackson's birthday fell on the day after Easter and my first day back to work from Spring Break.  Easter night I was really nostalgic and felt bittersweet that the year of firsts was coming to an end.  In a year we experienced the first time we held him, first time he slept in the crib, his first bottle, the first time he rolled over, crawled, stood up, his first holidays, etc.  While I know we have many more "firsts" to look forward to with Jack, I didn't want to let him go after his night time bottle and cuddle session.  I just so happened to wake up at 4:28 a.m., his exact time of birth. 

Since Jesse had to work that evening, he and Jackson came to visit during lunch, recess, and science.  I love that my students have been able to watch him grow up this year, too.  They are very caring and protective around him.  They sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

Jesse's co-workers were generous enough to give Jackson two birthday presents.  We let him open it after dinner.  Jackson received a very impressive v-tech walker that does all kinds of tricks.  Jackson is a pro at unwrapping presents, and was pretty curious about what was in the box.

He was strolling around the downstairs in no time!

Unfortunately, Jesse had to go to work at 6.  Jackson and I played and I gave him a bath.  I kept Jackson awake later than usual because his MeMe and cousin, Emily, were coming by for a late visit.  Jackson loved the company and continued to show off his new walker and cuddle with them.  Jackson was so tired he kept trying to stand up and fall over.  We all put him to bed and I visited with my family a bit longer. 

I know Jackson won't remember his birthday but I hope we made him feel loved and extra special with the singing and gifts.  He has certainly blessed Jesse and I more than he will ever know and we look forward to celebrating many, many more of Jackson's birthdays!

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