
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Filthy Floors

An alternative title could be "Grotty Grout".  I am a sucker for alliteration. 

Jesse and I have been thoroughly cleaning our house this week while I am on break.  We've scrubbed every baseboard, cleaned under the couch (hello, Cheerios), and gone through our closets.  One of the things Jesse wanted to do was to clean the grout, which is something we've never done before.  I honestly could care less and didn't even think it was especially dirty.  Boy, was I wrong!

Here is what it looked like before:

I made a paste using OxyClean and tediously applied it between each tile using a toothbrush.  I waited 'til Jackson went to bed since it takes at least an hour to be effective.

Jesse and I seriously struggled to remove the cleaner and we created stubborn white footprints throughout the house in the process.  Alas, the grout is clean!

In addition to cleaning the grout, I also purchased a steam mop to make sure we keep the floors clean.  Now that the boys are walking/crawling everywhere, Jesse and I are having a hard time keeping up with the mess from the boys and the cats.  We've agreed that he'll mop each morning before Connor arrives and I'll mop each evening after Jackson goes to bed. 

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