
Monday, May 28, 2012

EOG Update

Last year,after retests, the 4th graders (aka our current 5th graders) were:
58% proficient in math
34% proficient in reading

Drum roll please


After retests, our fifth graders are...
83% proficient in math 
54% proficient in reading
79% proficient in science (+24 points from the 5th graders average last year)

Our scores showed phenomenal growth and carried the school.  While the reading percentage is still far below grade level, the average was by far the highest among the EOG grades.  Our assistant principal was so relieved and excited that she asked our team to go out for drinks after school on Friday.  She said we are closing the achievement gap by leaps and bounds.

My colleagues and I have put in many late hours and have truly embraced the family model.  We always put the kids first and our scores reflect that.  If our school is able to make this much progress each year, our students will be able to compete academically with their more affluent peers. 

1 comment:

  1. This just makes me so proud of you Bonnie. You really are doing God's work =)
