
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello, June!

School has consumed all of my time and energy for what seemed like the entire month of May, hence the lack of blogging.  End of Grade tests, retests, International Night, swim parties, and field trips have dictated my schedule.  While I have neglected to blog about it, I most definitely have not neglected Jackson.  Here are some of our family moments captured on film:

The weather has certainly been hot enough for a dip in the pool.  Jackson enjoys walking around the perimeter of the pool and climbing in and out of the pool much more than he enjoys swimming.  We are still using the same pack of Little Swimmers from our beach trip in October.

Jesse's family came over for a Memorial Day cookout.  Jesse grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.  Jan brought the chili and slaw.  I tried out a new dessert recipe.  I made a giant sugar cookie and frosted it with a mixture of cream cheese, powdered sugar, and whipped cream.  I used fresh berries to create a flag design.  Jan and Jeff were entertaining the boys by chasing one another around the downstairs and dancing.  I tried to take pictures but they turned out blurry.

Jesse and I actually had time off together and took Jackson to the park.  He is getting much more comfortable on the swings and slides.

Oh yeah, did I mention Jackson is walking??  Our big boy decided out of nowhere to take his first steps on Sunday, May 20.  Truly, he crawls way more than he walks, but he has finally let go and will take 5+ steps in between furniture.  He'll also walk towards someone if they are holding their arms out in front of him.

This one isn't exactly a family moment, but I do want to point out how adorably curly Jackson's hair is.  I'm not sure where he gets it from, but I love it.  During bath time, Jack's wet hair straightens down his back.  Jesse and I have no intentions of cutting Jackson's hair anytime soon.

Despite the fact that Jesse has a teaching position next year, we are still going to struggle to make ends meet this summer.  Jesse and I have just begun looking at daycare for August.  The average cost around here is $1,000 per month, which is literally a second mortgage.  Jesse and I will definitely be able to afford this with two incomes and we'll have the same schedule.  I'm so ready for a consistent routine!  I'm not sure Jesse is ready for the significant reduction in Jackson/Daddy time.  I'm ready for the increase in family time, though.

That pretty much sums up the random May updates for Jack.  Bring on S-U-M-M-E-R!

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