
Friday, July 27, 2012

New Bike: Take Two

While riding my "new" bike around the neighborhood with the family last Sunday, I felt very off all of a sudden.  I immediately stopped, only to realize that my left pedal had completely fallen off!  Thankfully, we weren't too far from home and I could walk my bike back to the house.  Jesse tried fixing it, but the threading was stripped.  He took it back to Wal Mart the next morning for me while I was at work.  Despite a hesitant manager, he was able to exchange it for a brand new bicycle.  We are convinced that the original bike I brought home had been previously returned because there were no tags, stickers, etc on the bicycle.  The bike Jesse brought home was clearly brand new. 

We have resumed our nightly bike rides.

It used to be a battle to fasten the helmet around Jackson's chin.  Now he loves it!  We all do "helmet checks" and tap our head.  Jack just grins.  Jesse can hear him yawning or humming behind him while riding.

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