
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wedding Weekend: Round Two

June was definitely wedding month!  In looking back through my June posts, I realized I made a whole post about my brother's wedding cake, but nothing about the actual event.  I also neglected to mention attending my college roommate's out-of-town wedding.

My brother and sister-in-law married at the courthouse before having a reception at their home the following week.  Here is the happy couple:

While the reception decor reminded me more of a block party, it was appropriate for a third marriage.  We stuffed ourselves on barbecue and enjoyed the shade.  It was a very simple gathering of the people who celebrate and support the couple.

I had to ask if we could go ahead and cut the cake because Jesse and I had a two hour drive to get to our college friend's wedding that same evening.  Jackson slept most of the way.  My stomach was feeling uneasy and I had a lot of anxiety throughout the car ride.  We made it with 20 minutes to spare.  Jesse ended up taking Jackson outside towards the end of the ceremony because Jack was irritated about being confined. 

Even though I don't know the groom very well, I absolutely love this couple.  He compliments her very well and I know they will make the cutest red-headed babies one day.

The reception venue was gorgeous and a perfect pick for the bridal party.  The food was plentiful and our assigned table company made pleasant small talk. 

Unfortunately, the reception wasn't the least bit child friendly.  The hot, humid climate also made it harder to enjoy.  Jesse had bought a booster seat so Jackson could actually sit down for dinner.  We could NOT figure out how to securely attach the booster to the folding chair.  The booster seat just slid right out with poor Jack still strapped in and dangling.  We also had to walk all the way back to the car to change his diaper twice; then throw the dirty diaper in a trash can across the street.

After attending three receptions in two weeks, this is the best family photo we could get.   

For whatever reason, the car ride home sent me in another state of panic.  After a half hour I asked Jesse if I could drive the rest of the way.  My heart beat wildly and I sweat nauseously the entire drive home.  Anxiety is an exhausting battle.  It was not the best way to end such a celebratory day.

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