
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vocabulary at 21 Months

Jackson was very slow to start use real words, but he seems to be learning a new word every other day.  We chose not to begin speech therapy yet, and are working on having him repeat everything.  We constantly say, "What's that?" Here is his current list of words he uses daily:

1.     Socks

2.     Shoes

3.     Jacket

4.     Backpack

5.     Hat

6.     Eyes

7.     Nose

8.     Mouth

9.     Eat

10.    Nana (banana)

11.    Wa-wa (water)

12.    Cup

13.    Cookie

14.    Down

15.    Sit

16.    Car

17.    Cat

18.    Meow

19.    Woof

20.    Excuse Me

21.    Please

22.    Thank you

23.    More

24.    Mommy

25.    Daddy

26.    MiMi

27.    PaPa

28.    Babies

29.    No

30.     Bath

31.     Outside

32.     Hot

33.     Stop

34.     Bye

35.     Hello

36.     Phone

37.     Book

38.     Poo poo

39.     Mine

40.     Ball


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