
Friday, June 28, 2013

6 Months Pregnant

How Far Along: 24 Weeks-Viability!!!
Symptoms:  Mostly size related--difficulty bending over, picking things up, carrying Jackson up the stairs, turning over in bed, getting up off the floor, etc

Energy: I tire quickly.  Mornings are my most productive times.

Mood: Now that I'm working half days and have less stress, I am much less irritable!

Cravings: In an effort to consume more protein, I started adding the Carnation Breakfast Essentials chocolate powder to my milk.  Breakfast has become my favorite meal and I look forward to my chocolate milk and dry cereal.  I'm also enjoying protein bars, grilled cheese, and chicken parmesan.

Movement:  Constant kicking!
Sleep: waking every 2-3 hours, staring at the clock for at least 15 minutes trying to go back to sleep, having more difficulty changing positions

Maternity Clothes:  I have almost outgrown several maternity outfits that I wore when I was full term with Jackson. 
What I miss:  April.  My sister-in-law died completely unexpectedly.  Words can't express my anger, guilt, and sorrow.  I know this has nothing to do with my pregnancy, but it consumes me.
Concerns: When to go on full time maternity leave, how it will impact my insurance, and how we will afford health insurance for the babies.  I had my baby shower at work and was given $100 in gift cards and over 30 annual leave/sick days donated from co-workers.  This means I could stop working next week and have the entire time as paid leave.  I just don't know how it will affect my FMLA and Parental Leave.  I also want to stay with my students throughout End of Grade tests.

OB notes:  I continue to have weekly appointments, alternating between the MFM and OB.  At 23 weeks, the babies were weighing over a pound and my cervical length was 3.8 cm.  At 24 weeks, my fundal height is officially 40 cm!
Best Moment this Month:  I am now on intermittent maternity leave, meaning I work half days (7:30-noon).  I am loving these afternoon naps and ice cream sessions before picking up Jackson!  We also were able to celebrate Jackson's birthday and Easter this month.
Nursery Progress: During Spring Break we began upstairs renovations.  In honor of Jackson turning 2 this month, we got rid of his pacifier cold turkey and completely changed his bedroom.  We exchanged the crib for a twin size bed, moved the recliner and changing table into the nursery, and added a toy storage and book shelves to his room. What used to be the guest room is now our office/study.  All of the guest bedroom furniture was donated and we purchased a shelving unit for our plethora of books.  While the actual nursery is a disaster, we've made a ton of progress on clearing space for the babies!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You have gone halfway through your pregnancy, but there is still a lot to go through. When you are 6 months pregnant, you will probably not notice any major physical changes, but the baby’s development continues to prepare for the life outside the womb.
