
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Big Boy Update

In the last two months, our little man has grown up fast!  Here are some of the highlights since April:

  • You won't see this anymore.  (Okay, you'll still see Jack walking around wearing our shoes, but not with a pacifier in his mouth!)  We made the decision to cut Jack's pacifier addiction cold turkey over spring break.  There were some rough car rides on Easter, but he stopped requesting it after three days.  It takes about an hour of singing and rocking to fall asleep now. 

  • Our sweet boy turned two!  We celebrated with a Batman themed party with the family. 

  • Out with the old, in with the new!  Though Jackson loved his crib and never once made an attempt to climb out of it, we needed the crib for his siblings.  Our Spring Break included lots of trips to Ikea, WalMart, and Lowes to redecorate his room.  He now has a twin bed that he sleeps in (until 3-4 a.m., that is) as well as a toy bin and bookshelves at his level.

  • Jackson had his two year well-check where he received his last Hepatitis A shot.  Here are his growth stats:
8 lb, 15 oz
21.75 in
14 in
1 Month
11 lb, 1 oz
23.25 in
15.25 in
2 Month
12 lbs, 15 oz
25 in
15.75 in
4 Month
14 lbs, 4 oz
25.75 in
16.5 in
6 Month
16 lbs
27 in
17.5 in
9 Month
19 lbs
29 in
18 in
12 Month
21 lbs, 5 oz
30 in
18.5 in
15 Month
23.2 lbs
31.5 in
19 in
18 Month
24 lbs, 15 oz
33 in
19 in
24 Month
28 lbs
34.5 in

-The most exciting update is that Jackson's speech has totally blossomed in the past month.  He regularly uses whole sentences and has full conversations (some of which we still don't entirely understand).  He's always been very expressive and sweet, but he is also very demanding and assertive.  Some of the common things we hear each day are:
  • "I want eat popsicle."
  • "Daddy go downstairs?"
  • "I ride in the van!"
  • "I want outside.  I PLAY OUTSIDE!!" 
  • "I want more cheese."
  • "I kiss babies" or "I give Mommy kiss."
  • "Ouch.  Cowbell hurt me."
  • My absolute favorite is he can sing almost all of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".  He and Jesse sing this each night before bed.
In case you're wondering, he's not immune to the terrible twos.  (I'll dedicate another whole post to that.)  For now, we'll focus on our sweet Jackson Lee growing up way too fast!

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