
Friday, June 21, 2013

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

I have a feeling this is the last week I'm going to feel like going on adventures as a family of three.  Next week Jesse has his Advanced Placement training all week and Jackson will be in daycare for one last week.  The following week I will either have babies or be 35 weeks pregnant and probably not able to be on my feet much.  It's been my goal this week to go on a fun family outing each day.

Yesterday we took advantage of the free Airport Overlook to watch the planes land and take off.  Since we live fairly close to the airport, planes are a frequent sighting from our home every 5-10 minutes.  However, it was pretty cool to see the planes from a much closer view.  Jackson was overall happy, though there were some lulls in between take-offs and a few of the bigger planes were frighteningly loud.

Our adventure for today was to visit the local transportation museum to explore various train cars and ride on a train.  Trains have become Jackson's latest obsession.  The museum also had elaborate exhibits with wagons and older cars, but Jackson just kept pointing and yelling "I want trains!" so we trudged forward.  

It says on the website that the museum is "walking intensive".  I was shuffling at a snail's pace and stopping frequently.  I felt like my own mother making the family wait and slow down.  I also had trouble fitting through some of the doors.  Thankfully, my size or pace didn't hinder the level of fun for the boys.

Jackson was pretty timid at first and demanded to be held, but his curiosity won after a while.

The train ride itself was exhilarating for Jackson the first 10 minutes.  After that I think our hunger and exhaustion started to sink in. 

After refueling on a banana, pudding, protein bar, and juice, we all got our second wind.

We spent another half hour exploring a caboose and toddler-friendly play area. 

After nearly three hours, we were off to have a late lunch with MiMi before heading home.  The three of us crashed hard for a late nap as soon as we were home.

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