
Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of a Triplet Pregnancy

My last pregnancy post!
The Good
  • Feeling three babies moving at one time
  • Ability for family and friends to feel and see babies move
  • Constant prayers and support from loved ones
  • Positive comments and blessings from strangers
  • Getting our girls, blessed with two daughters and another son
  • Avoiding pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, cervical shortening, bed rest...
  • The miracle of supporting three lives for 9+ months
  • Jackson saying, "Good night sisters" or "Give brother kisses"
  • The many, many donated items (furniture, clothing, diapers, toys, etc) we've received
  • The amazing ability of my uterus to stretch over 60 cm!
  • Ability to walk, drive, clean, etc. throughout the whole pregnancy
The Bad
  • Not being able to work full time the entire school year
  • Severe pain getting in and out of bed (to the point where I have to use a pillow in my face as a muzzle so Jesse doesn't wake from my shrieks)
  • Extremely hard time breathing/ suffocating feeling
  • Pelvic and hip pressure, which feels more like shattering of bones and ripping my legs apart like a Stretch Armstrong
  • Can't forget about those early symptoms of severe nausea and fatigue
  • Developing a claw hand each morning (aka carpal tunnel) which makes simple tasks like washing my hair, shaving my legs, and brushing my teeth painful
  • Not knowing if my babies will be in the NICU
  • Requiring a c-section (all the anxiety that accompanies surgery)
The Ugly
  • Edema in lower belly (My belly becomes cone shaped as soon as gravity sets in. The above photo was taken within 10 minutes of waking up so you can't see the belly sag.)
  • Stretch marks within stretch marks
  • Skin tags and odd skin discoloration
  • Unpainted toenails and swollen feet
  • Jackson's tantrums involving slapping and yelling at the babies (Ah, the life of a two year old.)
  • Random comments such as, "You're having triplets!?  I don't know if I should give you my congratulations or condolences."
  • Chiropractor, OB, and Maternal Fetal Medicine co-pays

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie,I hope you won't mind a guy commenting on your 36w3d pregnant belly.I for one think it's AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL with or without the stretch marks.And if you hadn't mentioned them I don't think that I would have ever noticed them!No,when I view an image like that I'm thinking of just how BLESSED I am to be taking in something so GLORIOUS and MAJESTIC!!!!!!!!!
