
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Walk in the Park

We not only survived, but really enjoyed our first public outing as a family of six.  As the idiom says, it was literally a walk in the park!  Jesse and I have taken the kids to my sister's house, in-laws, and church multiple times, but we've never gone anywhere just the two of us. 
We decided to keep our outing short and sweet.  First, we went to visit Jackson's former school to visit his favorite teacher.  She immediately jumped up from story time, picked him up, and gave him kisses.  Of course, she was thrilled to see the babies, as we had promised her we would bring them by after they were born.  Jackson was strangely shy, but still gave her "fish kisses" and continued to talk about her after we left.
The next stop was a quick trip to the park.  The weather was refreshingly cooler with very little humidity.  We left the babies in their carseats, found a bench in a shady spot, and took turns bottle feeding them breastmilk while Jackson played.
The babies enjoyed eating.

 Jackson enjoyed swinging,


and sliding.

We were stopped by a few very kind strangers and got a fair amount of attention.  (I suspect that will be the norm wherever we go for a while.)  I was proud of how well Jackson listened and played and relieved at how relaxed and pleasant our first outing was. 

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