
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Quality Time with Jack

Before the babies were born, I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to give Jackson the attention he needs.  I had no clue how he would react to the babies.  And let's face it, the relationship between Jackson and I took a nose dive during the final weeks of my pregnancy when I physically couldn't care for him in the same way.  We've gone through quite an adjustment period in the last six weeks, and it was so important for Jesse and I to have one-on-one time with our big boy.  We have gone out of our way to do special things with Jackson.  Here are just a few ways in which we make sure Jackson gets individual love and attention:
Jesse and I make sure to take Jackson places without his siblings.  We took Jackson to CiCi's while his MiMi and PaPa watched the triplets.  While we still need to work on restaurant behavior, I feel confident that he enjoyed his pizza and one-on-one time.    

I try to plan crafts and experiments at least once a week that Jackson can enjoy completing.  We had a play date with his cousins and made slime using Elmer's glue, water, and Borax.  It was a big hit and he played with it for hours.

Our pastor invited a few families with young children over to his house for a pool party and cookout.  He had just built an amazing tree house for his kids.  Jesse and I alternated caring for the babies and playing with Jackson.  All day he asked, "I go swimming now?"

One of Jackson's favorite things to do is to watch the trash and recycling pick-up on Fridays.  No matter what's going on, we stop what we're doing to take a few minutes and watch the workers empty each trashcan on the street.

Obviously I must take the babies with me during our outings, but I make sure to select activities that I know Jackson would love.  Jack has a special interest in geese, so he was beyond excited to feed them bread.
Jackson and I have indulged in a sweet treat together on more than one occasion.  Who can resist 49 cent ice cream cones?
The most important time I've spent with Jackson has been hiding under blankets, reading stories, tickling, and giving kisses.  These are the day to day moments that make me thankful that I am able to spend each day with my favorite Jackson Lee!

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