
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Then and Now (8 Weeks Old)

Now that the triplets are almost two months old, I was browsing through their newborn pictures to try and see how much they've grown.  Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of comparison pictures to show a big size difference, but you can definitely tell how much more alert and expressive they are now.  They take full advantage of stretching out now that they are no longer crammed inside my body.

Here are a few comparison pictures:

Jesse w/ James, Amelia, Madeline (1 week old)

Jesse w/ James, Amelia, Madeline (8 weeks old)
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Me with Madeline, James, Amelia (1 week old)

Me with Amelia, Madeline, James (8 weeks old)
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James, Amelia, Madeline in pack-n-play (1 week old)
Amelia, Madeline, James in pack-n-play (8 weeks old)

Happy 8 Weeks to my favorite triplets! 

1 comment:

  1. Maddie looks especially precious in that second to the last photo. Bless her ;)Those are my favorite triplets too!
