
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Patch: Take Two

Today was one of our best days since bringing the triplets home.  I took the kids to the pumpkin patch.  (If you recall, Jesse and I had already taken the babies to the pumpkin patch while Jackson went to see Thomas the Train.  Therefore, I tried to keep the focus on Jack today.)  Jackson was in a fantastic mood and was such a helper.  He listened and followed directions the entire time, even when strangers bombarded us with questions and comments.  (He always acts out when people ooh and ahh over the babies and ignore him.  I can't imagine how frustrating it is for him!)

The weather was absolutely perfect--clear, blue skies with crisp, fall breezes.  I made sure the babies were comfortable and well-supported in the wagon, which kept them happy.  Miraculously, nobody fussed the entire time!

While I did dress and coordinate the babies' outfits, Jackson picked out his "Brother of Triplets" shirt by himself today.  It was a great choice because he was a ridiculously proud big brother pulling his siblings around in the wagon.

Some of the pumpkins were so big he could sit on them, which he found strangely amusing.

Jack especially loved pretending to drive the tractor.

Unfortunately I was a bit of a control freak when it came to actually picking out pumpkins.  I told Jackson he could pick whatever he wanted, but every pumpkin he picked was rotting or had large holes in it.  He finally got to "pick out" his pumpkin after I rejected a dozen of his original choices.

Since it was an actual farm, we also got to see horses, cows, and roosters.  We talked to the owners of the farm and they asked to take a picture of the kids.  Apparently they had quadruplets in the family so they were genuinely impressed with the gestational length, size, and health of James, Amelia, and Madeline.   She kept saying, "I know I don't know you but I am so proud of you!"

The babies woke up towards the end of our trip.  I took lots of pictures in a shady spot while Jackson played in the hay bale maze.  Seriously, these are my babies.  Sometimes I just look at them and think, "Who are those kids? Wait!  I have three babies?!"  I am in constant admiration of how beautiful they are!

The pumpkin fun will continue tomorrow.  I promised Jack he would get to paint his pumpkin.  I'm also looking up recipes for some kind of pumpkin cake to experiment with. 


  1. I love this....I love the mommie that you are!

  2. What a fun & happy post :)

    I adore that pic of Jack siting on the pumpkins!
