
Sunday, October 6, 2013

So Many People

We had a whirlwind of a weekend visiting many friends and family members.  Jesse stayed after school Friday afternoon so he could attend the homecoming game.  Knowing he wouldn't get home until after 9 pm, I decided to spend the day with my sisters.  My kids don't know how blessed they are to be born into a big family with so many aunts, uncles, and cousins that love them.  Everywhere we go, the trio are welcomed like this: 
After spending a few hours with my middle sister, I drove to my oldest sister's house.  Jackson borrowed his cousin's tricycle and joined the big kids in bicycling up and down the street.  My oldest brother, neighbor, and family friends all came over to see the triplets.   

We then gorged ourselves on mashed potatoes, roast, and carrot cake.  All four kids were beyond tired at this point since none of them had taken their usual two hour afternoon nap.  Lots of crying ensued.  I had to remove Jackson from the dinner table to give him a stern warning because he chose to spit his food out repeatedly.  The babies were crying and hungry while we ate.  Once Jackson got himself together he ended up falling out of his chair and nearly busting his lip on the table.  It was time to go!

Saturday proved to equally busy.  The morning was spent grocery shopping, cleaning, baking, and doing yardwork.  Next on the agenda was catching up with former coworkers at an afternoon playdate.  Seeing Jackson interact at the playdate reminded me how much Jackson likes to play with his peers.  I'm hoping to enroll him in a morning-out program a few days a week starting in January. 

Jesse's parents were already at our house by the time the kids and I returned home.  Jackson was elated to spend time with his MiMi and PaPa.  Unfortunately, the playdate interrupted our nap schedule once again, which resulted in four very cranky children by 7 pm.

The whole family ended up sleeping in until 9 am this morning!  While the sleep was much needed, we were quite rushed to get out the door for church.  In honor of World Communion Sunday, our church service partnered with the Latino community.  The entire service was bilingual, and we had a church potluck afterwards with a variety of ethnic dishes.  I don't know much Spanish, but I at least know how to say "Si. Tres bebes.  Dos ninos y un nino."   I kept repeating that with each inquiry. 

There were indoor and outdoor games set up to play after lunch.  I managed to capture this fun shot of Jackson catching a football. 

That brings us up to speed.  I'm not sure what our plans entail for the remainder of the day.  I hope to wear pajamas, eat popcorn, and take lots pictures of our almost 12 week old babies! 

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