
Monday, November 25, 2013

Growing Up Too Fast

Let's start with the biggest boy.  We got his preschool pictures back last Thursday.  The photographer is smart to print every pose.  There are no proofs.  You simply select the sheets you want, pay for them, and take them that day.  I assume they just throw away the printed pictures you don't select, which goes to show how cheap it is to print pictures and how much money they make off of you.  I hadn't planned on buying any, but once I saw them I had a hard time narrowing down my purchases.  I can't get over how grown he looks!  Here are the two poses I selected:

The next big boy is continuing to set the curve for the girls.  James' latest development is wanting to be in a standing position at all times.  He constantly puts weight on his legs and he laughs every time he's held and able to jump.  James is really interacting a lot more and reaching for toys.  He continues to have the best head control.

In the past two weeks, James has stubbornly held his bottle.

Ms. Diva has surpassed her brother in the amount of time spent on her tummy. After months of screaming on the floor, Amelia is finally content on the floor.  She still isn't rolling over, but she is beginning to grab her pacifier and other objects while on her tummy.

Amelia continues to exhibit the strongest personality of the family.  She is every bit the diva we call her.  She gets the worst congestion but when I use the nasal bulb to suction it out she has actually snatched it out of my hand.  She's such a mess! 

I'm afraid our sweet Maddie hasn't shown a whole lot of physical advancements.  She struggles to lift her head while on her stomach, but she has fine control while sitting in a bumbo.  Her reflux is slowly improving.  Most days she is able to wear the same outfit all day along, compared to multiple wardrobe changes each day.

She is so mild and meek.  Of the three babies, Maddie is the most gentle and the most talkative.

While she has finally grown into her looks, she still resembles an elf at times with this strange quirk:

And there you have it.  My babies are growing oh so quickly.

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