
Friday, December 27, 2013

Joy To the World: Christmas Collage

Christmas morning was everything it should be for a kid: sense of wonder, anticipation, and appreciation.  On December 23, Jesse assembled bicycles and the babies' toy while I wrapped all the gifts.  We knew Christmas Eve would be a busy evening spent with family and stuffing our faces.  We got home after 9 PM, put the kids to bed, then displayed all the presents.

Jesse used a free Kringl app that overlay Santa on a recording of our living room.  We showed it to Jackson as soon as he awoke on Christmas morning.  I would have LOVED this as a kid!

We chose to let the babies continue sleeping and give Jackson our undivided attention while he opened his presents.  Jackson didn't quite know what to do with himself once downstairs.  He immediately looked at the gifts, walked to the pantry, and requested something to eat.  After a few minutes he began digging into his gifts. 

He loved his new drill,

as well as his stocking stuffers.

The babies started fussing shortly after Jackson had finished opening his gifts.  They were much more interested in eating than opening their present.  (FYI, the ball toy was recommended by fellow triplet moms because it has enough space for each baby and accommodates babies that can sit, crawl, pull up, and walk.  The best part was that we purchased it for 66% off.)

Jesse's parents, aka the world's best MiMi and PaPa, came over with breakfast. Before we knew it, it was already time to load everyone up and head to my sister's house.  I am so proud of how mature my nieces and nephews are becoming.  This was the first year we drew names for the kids.  Even though my siblings and I agreed not to do it again, the kids had lots of fun.  My heart was nearly bursting witnessing some of their reactions.  There was such a genuine appreciation and contentment, which is something I rarely exhibited as a child. 

After lunch and presents with my side of the family, we drove an hour to spend Christmas evening with Jesse's family.  This was the first year (at least since I've been around) that Jesse's aunt and uncle also celebrated with us.  The more the merrier!   Our kids are so blessed to have so many people that love them.  There is never a dull moment with a big family.

1 comment:

  1. What is that cousin picture with Jude?? Did you really capture that? I NEED it! Love that you thought to let Jack have solo time opening gifts; thoughtful parents <3
