
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Park Photo Diary

Instead of our usual weekend visit with the in-laws at our house, I asked if we could meet at the park.  With another crazy weather week and a forecast of snow, I want to soak up every possible minute of 70° sunshine.  Plus, Jackson's BFF/cousin, Levi, was coming as well so I knew the boys would have fun together. Here are some of the highlights from our afternoon at the park:

Built in swing buddies!

I'm not sure if James or Amelia smiled more.

There weren't any kiddie swings open so Jackson got to swing with his MiMi.

Harwood Invasion: We should have just rented out the park.

Jackson cheating his was through the swinging rings with the help of Jesse.


Slide races

Follow the leader

Maddie was the first to pass out.

Then they all started dropping like flies...

Exhaustion setting in, even after a popsicle break

Time to go home
Even though the kids and I frequent a park once a week, it was much more fun to be able to share the experience with other family members.  I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon. ♥

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