
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Triplet Mom Diet

Moms in my triplet groups always complain about "the triplet diet".  They'll post pictures of Twix wrappers and a soda and say, "My lunch today."   Now don't get me wrong, candy and soda is a favorite snack of mine, but it is certainly not a meal.  I've never understood claims of not having time to cook or eat.  I rarely spend more than 5-10 minutes making breakfast or lunch, and dinner is typically 30 minutes.  Here's a daily food diary, from a triplet mom/foodie:

Breakfast this week has consisted of waffles. I was elated to find the Food Network waffle maker on sale for half off at Kohl's this past weekend.  I wanted this particular waffle iron because it makes four individual waffles.  This means I can make large batches, freeze them, and pop them in the toaster as desired.  While the initial prep work took half an hour, I now have enough waffles for the entire family to eat this week.  Jackson and I have been devouring our whole wheat waffles with strawberries and powdered sugar.  The powdered sugar is an unnecessary step, but it makes me feel like I'm at a bed and breakfast. 

Scratch-made waffles with strawberries and powdered sugar

Lunch almost always consists of leftovers from the night before.  That's more incentive to eat well for dinner because I know I'll be eating it again for lunch the next day.

grilled chicken and peppers, black beans, brown rice

Dinner this evening took less than ten minutes from stovetop to plate.  We had whole wheat couscous, black beans, and pan-seared salmon.  Nothing fancy or time consuming, but definitely healthy and tasty.
salmon, beans, couscous

Dessert was a smoothie.  (If I put it in a bowl it tricks my mind into thinking it's ice cream.)  In under five minutes I mixed frozen fruit with plain greek yogurt.

Peach-mango smoothie

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