
Thursday, May 1, 2014

DPK: Fun for All

We go to the kid's museum every week.  Last month I lost Jackson when he wandered off while the babies were feeding themselves on a blanket. I've been struggling ever since to find a way for the babies and Jackson to both have time to play. When we joined in December, the babies slept in the stroller most of the time and the focus was always on Jackson. Now that they are mobile (rolling, sliding, army crawling) and so interactive, I want to provide safe play for the babies. This is hard to do when Jackson is eager to walk around. 

Our compromise is to give Jackson limited freedom in designated areas. We've agreed on certain places where he can play while the trio and I stay in an isolated area. Jack has to stay within eyesight. (I know this will be next to impossible to maintain when James, Amelia, and Maddie are walking.) 

There is an exceptional infant/toddler area that is gated, but open enough to see around the museum. Thankfully, the firetruck is directly across from this area. While the trio have tummy time on the mats,

Jackson gets to drive the firetruck.

I don't know how long he would willingly spend in the firetruck because I have to nearly bribe him to get out after 20 minutes.

This table was just added to the enclosed baby area.. I'm so in love with it that I asked an employee where they purchased the table. The museum had it custom made. I suspect their budget is higher than mine.

Jackson can also play dress up and go on the stage,

while the babies play in the construction area. Jackson likes this area so he joins us and entertains his siblings.

The only challenge I still face is if Jackson has to use the bathroom while the babies are playing. I feel so rushed trying to load everyone back so we can race to the potty. We always go to the bathroom as soon as we arrive, but he inevitably has to go again while we are there. I've been making him try to go again before we go upstairs to try and eliminate the urgency.

There's another elaborate construction area upstairs that is much less crowded. Since Jackson isn't a fan of strangers and loud people, he likes to retreat to a quiet corner and build.

Once again, there are baby-friendly building blocks and toys for the trio to play with in the same space. 

I am still constantly taking the babies in and out of the stroller, but they are able to move around and manipulate objects while Jackson has fun, too. If the trio exhaust themselves before Jackson is ready to leave, I can easily walk around with them in the stroller while Jackson continues to explore.

I'm so relieved to have found a balance for each child to learn and grow at their own level. 

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