
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

IKEA Highchairs

I spent a good bit of my pregnancy researching triplet feeding tables. I knew I just had to have one. At one of my baby showers I asked for money and received enough funds to buy a table. I decided to wait until the babies could sit up. By that time, we realized our home was already taken over by exersaucers, swings, pack-n-plays, etc. The last thing we needed was a giant table where our kids would eat separately from us. I looked into making our own, but that seemed like a lot of money to spend on something that could only be used for another year (two at most).

IKEA saved the day, yet again. We had purchased a high chair for Jackson when he was about 8 months old. That meant we only needed two more. At $25 a piece, that was much more doable than $300+ on a feeding table. We ended up receiving the other two highchairs as Christmas presents. Score!

Just in the past three days I have been especially happy we decided on these highchairs. We had a potluck breakfast at church on Sunday. While I love our church, it's no secret that it's not the most baby-friendly place. Since there aren't enough highchairs available, we brought our own. They fit easily in the back of our van, along with the strollers.

Since the chairs are incredibly light weight and they stack on top of one another, I was able to carry all three in by myself. No assembly or difficulty at all. (Now we just need the church to buy a few.)

With the weather being so nice, we've enjoyed a few meals outside on our deck. Once again, I can't imagine trying to drag a bulky table outside or having to get up to feed my children. I love having James, Amelia, and Maddie so close to Jesse and I no matter where we eat.

The best part is that the chairs don't take up our whole dining room. When we want more space we just stack them and go. 

They're also easy to clean with a damp cloth. There's no fabric so we don't need to worry about mold or taking pieces off for extra laundry. The final advantage is that when James steals the girls' food, I just separate him by moving his chair out. I wouldn't be able to prevent that with a feeding table.

I love when things work out better than I planned.

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