
Saturday, June 28, 2014

What You've Missed

Money Saving Attempts Result in Headaches

  • We switched phone services from AT&T to T-Mobile. This didn't save as much money as we thought because we ended up having to buy new phones through T-Mobile. Being without a phone for three days and the four different trips to T-Mobile could be a blog posit in itself, but my irritation has since calmed. The day after we bought new phones, I dropped mine and over half the screen formed a spiderweb of cracks.
  • We cancelled our cable through Time Warner and bought a Roku so we could stream Netflix and Hulu. This is significantly cheaper than paying for cable. We won't be able to watch anything live, but we never did anyway. The "simple switch" required us to either buy a new upstairs TV or an HDMI converter because our television was so old the Roku could not connect to it. Jesse ended up finding a $20 tv on Craigslist that worked.
  • The bottom line is we are still saving over $100 a month with these two changes and we've been able to upgrade phones and our TV upstairs. 
Fully Potty-Trained
  • Through no effort from Jesse and I, Jackson no longer wears a pull-up at night. Jackson was potty-trained during the day since December. We had noticed that Jackson's pull-up has been dry for many weeks now. Jackson asked if he could wear underwear to bed. It's been over a week now and he hasn't had any accidents. He even woke up to pee at 4 a.m. one night and went back to bed.
  • Maddie had her neuro follow up last Friday. When she first went to the neuro in March, she was 4-5 months behind. She is now only 2-3 months behind. The doctor was very pleased with her progress and commended us for spending so much time on Maddie's physical therapy exercises. 
  • Despite progress, the neurologist could neither confirm nor rule out CP. Maddie still displays mixed muscle tone by tightening and extending her leg (even while crawling) but hyperextending her back and loosening her trunk. When we return at 15 months we hope Maddie is at least cruising around furniture; then walking at 18 months. She will likely schedule an MRI at 18 months.
Social Opportunities
  • Lunch date at Firehouse Subs sans kids. 
  • Our local mommies group started a Bunco group. (Technically, they resumed Bunco after taking several years off.) This Bunco group was significantly more alcohol friendly than others I've attended. I somehow became known as the OCD/Type A personality of the group because I've always played where there is one scorekeeper per table. They have each pair tally points. I met a lot of new moms (new to me, most of them had school-aged children). I encountered the typical gawking over the fact that I have triplets. 
  • Jackson attended a birthday party at the park for one of his classmates. All but two of his classmates attended, as well as one of his teachers. It was so fun for the kids and moms to meet up in the summer. We exchanged numbers to meet up again this summer. All of the kids will move up to the same "3's class" in the fall. The triplets stayed home and Jackson was busy on the playground. It was a rare treat to actually converse with the moms beyond the few rushed minutes during drop off and pick up.

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