
Monday, September 8, 2014

Busy Weekend at Church

With the exception of Grandparent's Day dinner, I spent almost all of my weekend at church. On Saturday our church partnered with the neighboring elementary school to host a large school supplies carnival. It was a huge success. Over 200 elementary aged children attended. There were several silly carnival games set-up that the kids enjoyed. We gave out tickets, which could be turned in for school supplies. I did not participate in any of the planning or setting-up for the carnival, but the youth group and I volunteered for several hours to lead some of the games.

After seeing how much fun everyone was having within the first hour, I texted Jesse and asked him to bring the kids. Jackson enjoyed the bounce house.

He also waited in line to get his face painted. Of all things, he requested a blue lion. Apparently that is from an episode of Peppa Pig when they get their face painted. Who knew...

The babies were confined to strollers since they are not walking. It was way too crowded and hot to let them crawl around outside. Two of their peers also attended the carnival. All five of the kids were born within six months of one another. (Jesse was holding Maddie when this picture was taken.)

It was really too hot for the babies to be outside for long, so Jesse took the kids into the nursery to play and cool off. The church recently updated and repainted the nursery. Our kids love it!

Jackson cooled off in the air conditioning while eating his free ice cream. The church arranged to have an ice cream truck on site for the many children. The church gave out ice cream, water bottles, and popcorn.

I really enjoyed my time with the youth! They were so energetic and compassionate with the children. I'm very optimistic with what we might be able to accomplish this year.

Our whole family was back at church early Sunday morning for a potluck breakfast. This is an annual breakfast sponsored by the Christian Education team to discuss various education opportunities for the year. I was asked to talk about the youth group and my experience with the adult small group. I have volunteered to facilitate the fall small group. I'm eager to have an opportunity to interact and pray with other congregation members in an intimate setting.

While at breakfast I shamelessly showed off the triplet's baby book that had arrived in the mail the previous day. I was not active in the church during most of my pregnancy, so they were all shocked to see some of the pregnancy photos. I love that the church has watched all four of our kids grow up.

In case you're wondering, Jesse and I still have very different religious beliefs. Even though he went to the breakfast, he did not stay for the service. Despite his beliefs (or lack thereof), he supports the kids and I with whatever we choose. He also expressed interest in volunteering for the weekly ESL program our church offers. The church provides English lessons for parents and tutoring for their children every Thursday.

After church, I had just enough time to eat lunch and go grocery shopping before I returned for weekly youth group. We decided to meet from 3-4 every Sunday. There were only four youth in attendance, which wasn't surprising based on what a busy weekend we had. Small numbers do not bother me at all. My own high school youth group was very small, but was instrumental in shaping my faith. I am thrilled to have a purpose outside of motherhood and to have meaningful discussions with such amazing young adults!

The weekend felt rushed and stressful at times, but also inspiring and energizing. I am just thankful to have a church family to share in such moments.

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