
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Maddie Moo

I've decided that Maddie is my most photogenic child. This is not to say she is the most beautiful, but she photographs better than the others. Here are a few pictures I've taken of our baby girl in the last week.

After weeks of a plateau, Maddie has been experiencing major progress within the last 2-3 weeks.
She has mastered climbing stairs, slides, and inclines.
She can pull up to a standing position, then let go briefly and balance.
She can cruise around the furniture.
She still crawls with her leg extended sometimes, but she is a very efficient crawler.
She makes a wide range of sounds.
She can mimic gestures, including waving, clapping, and blowing kisses.

She has now had two sessions of CBRS therapy. I'm unimpressed so far, but I remain hopeful that the extra focus on Maddie will be beneficial. Our goals are to increase her endurance by reducing the amount of "cuddle time" she needs after playing. I don't mind cuddling with my Maddie Moo, but I also want to take advantage of every minute of physical therapy she receives.

I am so excited to see what all Madeline can accomplishment in the upcoming month before her next neurologist appointment.

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