
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Outdoor Fun in December

Monday and today were unseasonably warm, sunny days. I had hoped to take Jackson to the park on Monday, but he wanted to stay home. We rediscovered our back yard and spent hours playing in the grass and sandbox.
The triplets have been confined to the deck for many months. While our back deck was more than adequate when they were crawling and first starting to walk, it has proven to be a crowded space lately. I wasn't planning on letting them play in the yard, but James was the first to figure out how to move the gate. (The gate no longer wrapped around the deck because we had taken one of the gates inside to enclose the Christmas tree.)

Once the gates were open (literal and figurative), their play area multiplied drastically.

The stairs were a piece of cake for everyone. No one had trouble moving up and down the stairs.

James went straight to the sandbox, where he remained for an hour! Jackson joined in with his favorite pastime of building castles and burying all his action figures.

I am always so quick to take the kids out; I forget how much fun can be had in our own backyard.

Today we went to "the pirate park". The only other time we had ever been to this park was over the summer. I finally received notification that Maddie's shoes with inserts were ready to pick up. It turns out the orthotics office was only a few minutes from the park.

This was probably the safest playground we've been to since the trio started walking. There was only one potentially dangerous drop off. The rest was very accessible for everyone. Jackson had a few areas that only he could reach.

The biggest highlight by far was the tunnel slide. James went belly first down the slide a dozen times. He would zoom down the slide, laugh and clap, then walk around to climb the steps back up. He did not stop smiling for 15 minutes.

I am lovin' our fun in the sun this week!

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