
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Snow Day (Minus the Snow)

With a morning temperature of 9 degrees, most of the surrounding school systems operated on a two hour delay. I was excited about our lazy morning because we could all sleep in and Jesse could take Jackson to school on his way to work. I checked at 8:30 am to confirm that Jackson's school was scheduled to open at 9:00 like always. 

Our morning went as planned until Jesse called me at 9:05 to say preschool was cancelled due to power outages. I checked my e-mail again and the director sent an e-mail at 8:59. Seriously??  I was irritated for Jesse, but I would have been enraged if I had loaded all four kids up in the single degree temps for nothing.

Jesse dropped Jackson back off and went to work. The kids and I had a low key morning and early afternoon. We watched The Cat and the Hat movie, painted, read, and played. Everyone was getting a bit cranky by late afternoon so I bundled the kids up and let them play outside.

We went for a walk on our street.

We returned inside for a while, then played in the back yard for a few more minutes.  The sand was completely frozen in the sandbox. Jackson discovered the feet of one of his action figures and used a comb to slowly scrape away the sand. He eagerly revealed Catwoman. 

The kids and I were over the day by the time Jesse came home. Amelia was so needy that I couldn't even start dinner until Jesse got home. Thankfully Jesse came home with enough energy and silliness to lift our moods.

I guess our "return to routine" only lasted a few days. 

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