
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Predictable Personalities

Considering school was cancelled on Tuesday and Thursday, as well as all of last week, it was a small miracle that Jackson was able to attend preschool as usual on Monday and Wednesday. After dropping Jackson off at preschool yesterday I took the trio to the bank (slowly but steadily crossing things of my 40 Bags in 40 Days list). Then we headed to Ikea for a $2 breakfast and to play.

James, Amelia, and Maddie have developed very distinct personalities. Their actions and behaviors have become consistent and predictable.

Exhibit A: Maddie's favorite hobby is eating. She takes her time, hoarding food, and savoring each bite. She almost always ends up stealing her siblings' food.

Exhibit B: Amelia likes to quietly work on something. She's sweet and nurturing and especially fond of all things baby-related.

Exhibit C: James is everywhere. Always on the move, typically climbing, breaking things, and unintentionally causing a ruckus.

Meanwhile, Maddie keeps eating.

Amelia continues to find dolls to care for.

And James keeps purposefully knocking things over, saying "uh oh", and rearranging furniture.

These three couldn't be any more different.

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