
Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Flu Strikes

Over the past 24 hours, Jesse has spent at least 22 of those hours in bed. Literally, in bed, not moving. The only time he got up was when he managed to muster enough energy to go to Urgent Care. The flu has already cost us a wasted weekend and well over $100 in doctor visits and medicine. 

I did not allow any of the kids in our bedroom today. Though, Jackson occasionally brought Jesse water, medicine, and toys. I'm sure our whole family has already been exposed to the virus, but I'm doing my best to quarantine Jesse and keep the rest of us healthy. The odds are not in our favor.

By mid-afternoon, downstairs looked like this. I was a walking zombie thanks to the Grey's Anatomy binge I treated myself to until 2 am last night. Clearly I did not anticipate waking early and having a day of solo parenting.

We finally got ourselves together, cleaned the house, and dressed around 4 pm. Better late than never I suppose. It wasn't a particularly nice afternoon, but the forecasts show inclement weather in the upcoming days, so I thought we'd better spend as much time outside as possible.

By tomorrow morning Jesse will have spent 36 straight hours in bed and will take his third dose of Tamiflu. Here's to hoping he's on the mends and the rest of us stay healthy.

I'll be sleeping on the couch this evening and praying our immune systems are strong enough!

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