
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Unexpected Blessings

Most of the events from the past few weeks have been a series of unfortunate events. However, amidst the challenges, I've received many surprise gifts at just the right time.

One of the challenges I didn't mention was the fact that both our washing machine and dryer stopped working. We just purchased a very cheap dryer off Craigslist not long ago, but it did not consistently dry clothes and it took 3-4 hours sometimes. Our washer continuously overflowed and became unusable. With wasted water and energy, along with dirty clothes and cloth diapers piling up, we knew it would be best to purchase a new set. 

Blessing #1: Tax refund
One of the benefits of being poor with several children is receiving a large tax refund. It came at the perfect time. Jesse was able to purchase a new Maytag washer and dryer set that was on sale at Lowe's. They were delivered early Friday morning. We still have enough funds left to put in savings for a safety net this year. 

#2: Package from Secret Sister
Many of us from our 2013 Triplet group participate in a year long anonymous gift exchange. The trio had just thrown macaroni and cheese all over the floor and the house was a mess when Jackson exclaimed, "The mail's here. There's a package!" He helped me open it. There was a full outfit for all four kids in addition to snacks and a photo album. Hooray for triplet mamas!

#4: Grocery Delivery
A good friend and former co-worker texted me last night to check in on everybody. This morning she asked when she could come by to "drop off provisions". I really didn't know what to expect. She kept returning to her car and filled our pantry and fridge with a full weeks worth of milk, eggs, fruit, juice, soup, and pasta.

#4: MiMi and PaPa Visit
I did not want to cancel youth group but I also didn't trust Jesse to watch the kids while I was gone. My mother-in-law immediately adapted her afternoon plans to make sure they could come over and help with the kids. I was able to go to church and make a quick grocery shopping trip (mostly meat since my friend already provided so much for us). And the kids were able to spend time with some of their favorite people.

It's these unexpected acts of kindness that make the stressful moments tolerable

1 comment:

  1. I love any time I can get the hugs and kisses of those four sweet babies! And cuddling with Jack was perfect!
