
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

National Pancake Day

The plan was to go to IHOP to take advantage of free pancakes today. It's wet, dreary, and 25 degrees colder than it was yesterday. All our business yesterday, combined with the weather, was the perfect combination for a day at home. I asked Jackson what he wanted to do today and he replied, "stay home and play in my pajamas". Easy enough.

While watching Daniel Tiger, Jackson got really excited over the family making strawberry pancakes. Since I already had it in my mind that we were going to eat pancakes, I asked Jackson if he wanted to make strawberry pancakes like Daniel Tiger. This resulted in him jumping up and down saying, "Yeah! Yeah! I want to do that!"

We found a yummy 5-star recipe online and got to work. He likes to sift the dry ingredients, aka "make it snow".

Jack's getting pretty good at cracking eggs without getting in shell in the batter/dough.

Between Jackson and the triplets, I had to keep cutting more strawberries for the recipe because they kept eating them.

Daniel Tiger sings a song, "You've got to look a little closer to find out what you need to know." In the episode, he cuts the pancake to find the strawberries. Jackson sang the song while he did the same.

I let Jackson top his pancakes with whip cream rather than syrup. All four kids ate 2-3 pancakes each, and this was just their morning snack!

We had a lot less stress and ate much tastier pancakes at home rather than IHOP. Happy National Pancake Day! (because that's a thing everyone celebrates)

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