
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The 12 Hour Playdate: Baby Watch 2015

Memorial Day started exceptionally early with a 2:30 a.m. phone call from my very pregnant friend announcing she and her husband were going to the hospital. I had told my friend on Friday that I would be available to keep her three year old son, W, anytime in the upcoming week. Since Jesse had the day off, it was easier for me to go to their house so W could continue sleeping. After he woke up, dressed, and ate, I took him to our house to play with Jackson. 

My friend texted me every hour or two with labor updates, and I sent her smiling pictures of the boys to reassure her we were well. Her labor kept stalling and she required various interventions, so W and Jack ended up spending over 12 hours together! They spent the day:
  • molding and mixing PlayDoh
  • playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos and Candyland
  • watching the Tinkerbell movie
  • playing with superheroes and transformers
  • running around outside and racing inside wagons down the hill
  • lots of wrestling and crazy faces 
  • a family picnic at the Boardwalk, playing on the playground, and feeding waterfowl  (We took two cars.)
  • discussing babies and deflecting questions such as "How does the baby get out?"
  • eating dinner, cleaning up, and helping put the babies to bed
I was so excited to finally receive the text that we could head to the hospital! I planned on simply dropping W off in the circular entrance, but my phone wasn't working and W was asleep. I parked in the parking deck and carried W, along with the requested items from their home. When I knocked on the door, I passed everything on to my friend's husband, then turned to leave. I had no intentions of intruding on their first moments together as a family of four. (I was adamant about no one being allowed to meet the trio before Jackson.) Before I got to the elevator, her husband came back out and asked me to come inside.

I asked if I could take pictures for them. (We did not take any pictures of Jackson meeting the trio for the first time, and I've always regretted not being able to see or capture those first moments.) It was so special to be able to witness and photograph these intimate moments, to see my friend so raw and vulnerable holding her newborn, and to have the privilege of taking their first family (of 4) photo. Other than my own children, I don't think I've ever seen an infant that is only an hour old. My brief time in the hospital room was so beautiful and I was extremely honored to share in their day!

Just in case you're wondering, I do NOT have baby fever. Our family is complete!

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