
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Five Perks to Having Summer Babies

I currently have a few pregnant friends that are due within the next month. They are complaining about the 100 degree temperatures, and I know how uncomfortable they are. Two years ago, I was hot, tired, and miserable.  However, I'm so thankful I had summer babies. Here are five reasons why:

1. While pregnant, I ate my way through the holiday season without any guilt.
Every other year, I worry about packing on the holiday pounds. During pregnancy, I felt my best around Christmas and definitely took advantage of "eating for two" (or three, or four...). Why yes, I would like another slice of pie.

2. My babies avoided flu season.
When my babies were born, we had a birthday party in the hospital for them with over fifteen family members. My young nieces and nephews visited freely. I took them to the church nursery and family gatherings when they were only a few weeks old. I would not have had these same freedoms had my children been born during the height of flu season. We would have likely stayed in isolation for fear of so many contagious viruses.

3. We could spend unlimited time outside.
I develop cabin fever after two days inside. I can't imagine having a crying newborn at home and not being able to go outside for some fresh air whenever I wanted. I took my kids out for daily walks, soaked up some much needed Vitamin D, and enjoyed the sunshine.

4. Between birthday and Christmas, my kids receive a new wardrobe and rotation of toys every six months.
I haven't had to buy any clothes or toys because family and friends have gifted our kids with clothes, books, toys, etc. Just as my kids are about to outgrow their current wardrobe or lose interest in current toys, another birthday or Christmas rolls around.

5. Summer birthday parties are easy and fun.
The park or back yard is the perfect place for a bunch of kids to run around and celebrate a birthday. We don't have to worry about cramming people into our home or trying to predict inclement weather. Just go run around outside until it's time for cake!

I know it's hot, but hang in there, mamas!

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