
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Individual Attention for Jack

In the summer, Jackson is able to spend at least an hour of one-on-one time with Jesse or I. We try to alternate picking up Jackson from school and taking him places. Yesterday, Jesse took Jackson to the children's library for their Terrific Tuesday program. A friend requested group tickets so we were able to attend the program with the Carolina Raptor Center. (The original plan was for all six of us to go, but that was before the trio's first speech session was scheduled. I stayed home with the trio during speech.)

Jesse didn't take any pictures, so I stole this one from a friend. Jesse texted me with excitement from learning that owls can't move their eyes. I think he probably enjoyed the show more than Jackson. The boys ended up running errands and grabbing lunch after the program.

I asked to pick up Jackson from school today. The large park that is right beside his school has mini-golf. It's only $2 per adult and free for kids 5 and under. It's been a year since we tried mini-golf. At that time Jackson was frustrated, bored, and only lasted a few holes. Today, he was determined, animated, and cooperative.

That's not to say that he used the golf club correctly. Jack's version of golfing is a combination of soccer and billiards.

It was exceptionally hot, but we took breaks in the shade and drank water.

Still, the heat required us to stop at Sweet Frog for some frozen yogurt on the way home. Jackson, the classic four year old, selected cotton candy yogurt with gummy bears and chocolate chips. (yuck!)

Jackson's last day of school is this Friday, which will give us six weeks in July/August to spend family time together. We'll still be able to give Jackson individual attention while the trio nap. I absolutely love spending time with him without constant distractions. I know Jackson loves the attention, especially from Jesse. Now Jesse and I need to do a better job giving James, Amelia, and Maddie one-on-one time.

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