
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pool Time!

We spent the afternoon at Jesse's aunt's house, celebrating the end of another school year and a kindergarten graduation (because apparently that's a thing). Jesse's aunt has always been exceptionally kind to us and spoils our family. In addition to cooking dinner for everyone, she also invited us all to use her pool.

Of course, James was the first to get in the water. He's had an off day, but he was content to float around. 

Jackson eagerly stepped into the pool wearing floaties, an inner tube, and googles. There's no way he would have gone under water with all of that, but he freaked out when we let go. He sat on the ledge for a good 30 minutes before I coaxed him to get back in the pool. I pulled him around and had him splash and kick until he was finally comfortable on his own.

The girls were unimpressed by the pool. Maddie spent most of her time snuggled next to her aunt with her feet in the water.

I was able to put briefly her in a float without her screaming, but she never did smile.

Amelia stayed close by her MiMi's side. It took her much longer that Maddie to even put her feet in the water.

The closest Amelia got to swimming was sitting with Jesse in the pool. She didn't care for that little exposure.

After ample pool time, the kids chowed down on hot dogs and fixings, then cake. Jesse has completely abandoned Whole30, though I have not. My meal consisted of fresh fruit. While it was tasty, it was somewhat disappointing, which seems to be the theme of my Whole30 experience thus far.

Once everyone cleaned their Dorito fingers and blue lips, we played inside. Previously estranged family members have recently made amends, which means more cousins for our kids to play with! Amelia took a special liking to one of the cousins. I love this picture!

I look forward to future family celebrations and building relationships with the extended family.


  1. So sorry to hear the whole 30 hasn't been satisfying for you :( a lunch of fruit would definitely not do it for me either... I have loved it. I hope you stick with it!! Do you notice any difference? I feel a noticeable increase in energy.

  2. So Helpful and informative post. I like this post. Thanks for the good post to sharing it with us.

    pool float for kids
