
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

1,000 Posts Later

This is officially my 1,000th blog post. That, my friends, is a lot of blogging! This blog began in April 2011, two days after Jackson was born. At the time, I intended on writing a temporary blog to document the first few weeks of Jackson's life. The day I came home from the hospital, I began typing feverishly, desperate to record every detail about the birth and hospital stay. (It took me a week to figure out how to publish posts with pictures!) The blog was originally titled "Surviving the First Six Weeks of Motherhood" because I only planned to commit to six weeks.  I had created a few blogs in the past (weight loss blog, blogs for grad school, etc) but had never stuck with it for more than a few months.

After the six weeks ended, I wasn't ready to cease my daily ramblings. Blogging had become one of my favorite hobbies. Four years later, it still is. Over the years, I have used this blog as:

  • a journal to reflect on challenges and joys of motherhood
  • a digital scrapbook complete with narratives and photos
  • a baby book to record first teeth, well checks, and every milestone
  • a place to update friends and family on our day to day life
  • a motivation to go on fun adventures with the kids
  • a collection of baking and craft tutorials 
  • a resource for other moms, especially new triplet moms

Jesse and I joke we can't remember life before the blog. Last week he said, "I tried to look up the name of the paint color we used in Jackson's room, but you hadn't started blogging yet." I just recently completed our 2011 family yearbook. I had almost no records or photos from the first three months of 2011 because it was before the blog. I don't even know what Jesse and I did before Jackson was born. Sure, there was moving, teaching, grad school, buying a house, and pregnancy. But the little details of those events are hard to recall.

I know the blog will change. Whenever I return to work, I suspect the frequency in posting will decrease. There will come a point where my kids' stories will be uniquely theirs, and no longer my place to share. I can't predict what our lives will be like or how the blog will read in another 1,000 posts, but I look forward to finding out!

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