
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Friday Funday

Yesterday was an especially busy day, but not the stressful kind of busy. Our family of six drove to a consignment shop to purchase new (to us) living room furniture. (That will be a whole separate post in the days to come.) The store was right beside a park with a lake. We spent some time playing on the playground first.

Jackson really wanted to go paddle boating. Jesse volunteered to stay with the trio so I could take Jackson. Unfortunately the boats were only available for campers during weekdays, not the general public. We'll have to revise our summer bucket list to include paddle boating one weekend.

I brought a few quarters so we could buy fish/duck food. There was one lone duck that responded to the food. The kids were so intrigued.

We had just enough time to come home for lunch before our friend dropped off these two cuties to hang out with us for a few hours. It turns out, caring for six kids isn't any different than caring for four (at least not for a few hours anyway).

Jesse took Jackson and friends to the comic book store and out for ice cream while I attempted to clean the house during the trio's nap. I don't know why I bothered, because it looked like this a few hours later:

After our extra-kids-for-the-day were picked up, we had just enough time to feed our children dinner. My friend who recently had a baby felt compelled to give us a date night since we kept her son during her labor and delivery. While this offer was totally unnecessary, we happily accepted.

Jesse and I laughed so hard throughout our Mexican dinner (possibly due to us splitting a pitcher of beer) and this movie:

This was the first time we've ever had a non-family member watch the kids. I didn't know if the kids would go to bed okay or not, but they were all sleeping peacefully when we returned home. We'll have to utilize friends as babysitters more often.

Furniture, park, playdates, and date night definitely made a very fun Friday!

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