
Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Last First Birthday

We spent the afternoon celebrating our sweet nephew's first birthday. 

The party was guaranteed to be a blast for the kids, for no other reason than being able to interact with their favorite people. We fixed plates of food for all four kids and sat them down at a table together. It didn't take long for James, Amelia, and Maddie to climb down, carry their plate over to MiMi and PaPa's table, and crawl up on their laps.

I jokingly called MiMi the crazy balloon lady. She was having as much as the kids did, thanks to the helium tank.

The theme of the party was "Little Man" with lots of silly mustaches. My sister-in-law ordered these adorable cutouts from Etsy. They provided plenty of smiles and cute photo ops among the party guests. 

Nailed it!
The least cooperative husband ever

My favorite first birthday tradition is the cake smash. Davis isn't a fan of solid foods, but he made just the right amount of mess with the icing. Such a cutie!

It was impossible to keep the trio out of the way while the birthday boy opened his presents. The toddlers were so excited to see the many toys.

It was a fun party with the perfect amount of space, food, and decor. It was a little bittersweet thinking that this is most likely the last "first birthday" our family will ever celebrate. While it is still possible for my sister-in-law and I to have children, that is definitely not in the plans.  When I looked around the room, it seemed odd to think, "This is it. Here's our completed family." Of course it will be fun to watch how the cousins play together as they age.

I guess that's all the more reason to be thankful that Davis' first birthday party was such a hit. Happy birthday, little man. We look forward to watching you grow!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, I honestly didn't even think about it being the last first.....beautiful words here Bonnie!
