
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Discovery Place

There have been a few cold and/or windy mornings the past week, which has motivated me to take the kids to Discovery Place. In fact, we've been to either the kid's branch or uptown three times. I get so caught up on taking the kids different places each week, I underestimate what a valuable resource the museum is. We've paid for a family membership the last two years and will renew again next year. Without the membership it would have cost $160 for the three visits. The family membership is such an enormous savings for our family, especially considering how often we visit the museums.

I try to back off and let the kids explore the areas independently. In every room, the kids immerse themselves in different environments. Since our new SLP started, I've begun narrating things I observe and interacting with them more as a peer. Of course, I also take tons of pictures. The lighting is dim and the kids are always on the move, so most of the photographs are blurry. Here are some of the better pictures of the kids engaging in their surroundings. 

A future in the medical field for Amelia?
All of our kids are comfortable in a kitchen
Riding the dolphin while her siblings are in the submarine
Life size LiteBrite

Independently able to view each aquarium
Athletic Amelia conquers the rain forest rope bridge
James the Builder
Ultimate water table (FYI, those waterproof smocks don't keep the kids dry.)
Jackson joins the construction crew
Maddie follows her brother's lead
Maddie sure has come a long way from her PT days!
Meet the newest addition to the children's museum. (Amelia still ran away screaming!)
Between the three visits, we still didn't explore every room/exhibit. The kids are at an age where they become engrossed in each area. I love seeing them in different roles and imagining their future as a doctor, veterinarian, architect, firefighter, traveler, etc. The sky is the limit for these four, and I couldn't be more excited to watch them develop interests and discover the world around them.

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