
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Where Girls?"

This past Friday night the girls had their first sleepover with their MiMi and PaPa. Based on the pictures, they appeared to enjoy their laid back time together. They shared a bed with MiMi and PaPa, ate whatever they wanted, went on a walk, and played inside. 

Not only was it the girls' first night away, it was also their first night away from James. When James woke up alone in their room Saturday morning, he kept saying, "Uh oh. Where girls?" I'm sure it was odd for him to be apart from his wombmates. 

We ended up having a low key day at home, too. The boys binged on all forms of screen time.

I finally cut them off and suggested we paint pumpkins. Technically, Jackson suggested the pumpkin painting hours beforehand, then forgot about it. Jack had already painted a pumpkin the day before, but this was James' first pumpkin of the year. As always, he was very serious.

The boys and girls were reunited by lunchtime. I'm always thankful when our kids are able to get individual attention from their parents and grandparents.

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