
Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Counter Full of Kids

In January 2010, Jesse and I decided we were ready to buy a home. We had been living in a rental house in Charlotte for a year and a half. Jesse found a realtor and we began touring available houses. We weren't ready to try and conceive at that time, but we knew whatever house we bought would be the house where we would raise our children. When the realtor showed us our current home, she stopped us in the kitchen and said, "Now imagine this counter full of your children eating snacks and working on homework while you're cooking dinner."  I daydreamed this scenario. That was the moment I knew I wanted to buy our house.

Here we are, nearly six years later, with a counter full of children. The trio have just recently been able to sit on the bar stools. Each time I see all four kids eating at the bar, I am filled with happiness. Life events may not have followed the timeline I would have picked, but I absolutely love my counter full of kids!

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