
Monday, November 16, 2015

ImaginOn Story Time

As a stay at home mom and former teacher, I feel compelled to take the kids to the library. We've tried several story time events, but I'm never impressed. Today we ventured to the children's library. We were just there to read and play, but after 20 minutes of reading, a crowd of toddlers and parents was growing. We stayed for one of our best story time experiences yet. 

Unlike every other library we've visited which conducts story time in a closed room, this space was completely open. There was a great balance between stories, songs, and movement. As expected, Maddie loved story time. She danced, clapped, and followed along with every song and rhyme.

Amelia enjoyed herself, but she was more interested in her surroundings. She was quick to point out "Melmo" on the wall, the "baby night night" in a stroller, and the "bear book" on a nearby shelf. She did interact a lot during our new favorite song, Driving in My Car.

Even James, who was glued to my lap the entire time, enjoyed participating in the car song.

Another highlight of story time was catching bubbles. The library has the best bubbles that bounce and don't pop. 

After story time I let the kids explore the trolley, wagon, etc. James is always happy with anything that involves transportation!

Maddie created music with one of the apps on the touchscreen computers. Our little songbird sure loves music.

The temperature had warmed up so we played outside for just a bit. James was a bit upset in this picture because he wanted to watch the train pulling into station. We walked around to the train right after this.

I didn't have a lot of time left to go home, make lunch, and go pick up Jackson. Instead, I took the kids to Ikea (halfway between the library and preschool) for a quick lunch. There's a new area by the cafe that has games, instruments, costumes, and other fun toys. Amelia cracked herself up while trying on wigs.

For $8, the four of us shared pasta and chicken strips. We rushed through lunch in just enough time to pick up Jackson.

I love our mornings out together!

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